Monday, February 21, 2011

The Tempest - Who's

The Tempest - Who's


Prospero: Rightful Duke of Milan. With his daughter, he had been set adrift by his evil brother to die, but provisions provided secretly by his friend Gonzalo enable him and his daughter to reach a mysterious island. There, Prospero practices magic and rules the island and its inhabitants for 12 years. When a ship carrying his brother and other high officials of Naples—including the king—sails a course near the island, Prospero conjures a powerful tempest that blows the ship to his island. 
Antonio: Prospero's brother. He illegally seized Prospero's dukedom. After the tempest drives the ship carrying him and Alonso, the King of Naples, to Prospero's island,  Antonio conspires against the king. 
Miranda: Fifteen-year-old daughter of Prospero. She has lived with her father on his island since she was three years old and has never seen a man except for her father and the half-human Caliban. The name Miranda is derived from the Latin word mirandus, meaning wonderful, strange, and admired. 
Alonso: King of Naples. He helped Antonio oust Prospero as Duke of Milan. However, after arriving at Prospero's island, he exhibits genuine remorse for his reprehensible treatment of Prospero.
Sebastian: Brother of the king.
Ferdinand: Son of the King of Naples.
Gonzalo: Honest old counselor and friend of Prospero. 
Ariel: Spirit of the air on the magical island who serves Prospero. Ariel first served a witch, Sycorax, who imprisoned him in a recess of a pine tree after he refused to do her bidding. He remained there to suffer great torment for twelve years, during which time Sycorax died. Upon his arrival on the island, Prospero freed Ariel but bound the sprite to his service. Ariel possesses protean power, enabling him to alter his appearance instantly. He can also travel to any part of the island in a split-second.
Adrian, Francisco: Lords.
Trinculo: Jester.
Stephano: Drunken butler.
Caliban: Savage half-man who serves as a slave on Prospero's island. He is the son of a witch, Sycorax. Caliban believes he is the rightful ruler of Prospero's island, having inherited it from his mother. 
Iris, Ceres, Juno: Goddesses presented by the spirits. In classical mythology, Iris was a messenger goddess and goddess of the rainbow. Ceres was the goddess of agriculture, and Juno was the queen of the gods.
Nymphs, Reapers: Dancers
Master of the Ship

Another great thing about producing Shakespeare's the Tempest, on top of what we discussed last Wednesday about saving money on not having to buy the rights is that the Tempest allows for a larger cast with all of the Nymphs and chorus roles. A larger cast will make larger audiences being drawn in from family and friends of the cast which in turn ups our ticket sales.

"The Tempest." 輔仁大學英國語文學系 Fu Jen University, Department of English Language and Literature. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. <>.

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