Monday, February 21, 2011

Rorschach Tempest or The Tempest of William S. Performed by flies on the erection of a dreaming Hyena

Is the Tempest fluff?

"Don't ask me why, people who would steal milk from blind children wouldn't say an unkind word about the Tempest. At the mere mention of the play they sigh and fawn. Halfof the species has actually played Miranda or Prospero, those insipid avatars of innocence and benevolence. To say anything negative about the play is heresy. It’s become a flytrap of superlatives, the omphalos and firmament of everything good in the human spirit, transcendent wisdom. It has come to represent everything to everyone." (Pg. 86)

In the article Rorschach Tempest or The Tempest of William S. Performed by Flies on the Erection of a Dreaming Hyena by Teddy Jefferson, an i9nteresting point of view is taken which is actually negative towards the Tempest. It talks about how over rated the Tempest is and that really it is fluff. I find this interesting because even at the beginning of the article the author was enthrawled in directing the show.

Jefferson, Teddy. "Rorschach Tempest or The Tempest of William S. Performed by Flies on the Erection of a Dreaming Hyena." Shakespeare Quartery 61.1 (2010): 78-107. Print.

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